I have always found it to be incredibly infuriating when people, mainly boomers and gen Xers, complain about millennials. Words like lazy, entitled, spoiled, selfish, know-it-all, et cetera have been plaguing my people for years. As if we somehow created these characteristics. If we are, in fact, lazy, entitled, spoiled, selfish, know-it-alls, then surely someone raised us to be that way. Hmm, I wonder who.

These insults have been tossed around so much that we are now convinced that our generation is the problem with society, and now are swimming in self-loathing. I cannot help but be frustrated by this. We millennials are doing our absolute best to persevere in a time when the odds are stacked against us while ensuring the future of our children. Back off! We have enough on our plate without drowning ourselves in all of societies vices thrown into our faces to help us cope. And millennials, can we stop beating ourselves up? We are actually doing pretty good in the grand scheme of things. Brush that dirt off your shoulder and let the haters hate. That is what they are supposed to do. In the meantime, you do you. And do NOT apologize for it!